Monday, January 11, 2010

Improve Search Engine Rankings With Meta Tags

Are meta tags still important?  You bet they are.  I know that a lot of people think that meta tags are a waste of time - but they're not.  Having properly formed meta tags are essential for search engine success.

Title tag.  Make sure your title tag includes your keyword phrase and is not more than 60 characters long.

Description tag.  Include your keyword phrase no more than two times and make it compelling.  This is what prospective site visitors will see when they see your site listed on search results.

Keywords tag.  Include your most important keyword phrases in this tag but do not include any more than 12 keywords.  Doing so may be considered keyword stuffing.

Robots tag.  Give search engines a reason to crawl your website.

By using meta tags properly, you can tell Google and other major search engines what your site is about and what information users will find when they visit.  Don't overlook simply yet highly effective meta tags when properly formatting your website for search engine success.

1 comment:

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